Free PDF->HTML Conversion Tool

The PDF document format is ideal for printing due to its WYSIWYG nature. However, it has disadvantages too, for instance, PDFs are difficult to edit or publish on a website. That’s why we often need a way to convert PDF to other formats. Our converter helps you to convert any given PDF file to a corresponding HTML that retains the structure and formatting of the source.

Working with the program is easy as pie: simply grab a PDF file with mouse and drag it onto PDF converter window, then click the Start button. The conversion takes some time depending on the complexity and the size of a PDF, and the ready-to-go HTML will be saved to the location you specify.

The software processes every file and produces an output HTML document that is as much close to the source as possible, including the layout, colors, fonts and embedded images. The tool is standalone and doesn’t require any third-party libraries or Adobe Acrobat installed. Moreover, our tool is a totally free.




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